Thursday, August 28, 2008


So many people come in our lives, and yet how many of them walk out of our lives just like they came in and are gone forever. Well, today, that's what I want to talk about - relationships/friendships. Let's discover a valuable lesson from Lucy!

In the episode that Ethel and Lucy are going to perform in a show together, they decide to sing the song about "Friendship". In the midst of trying to prepare for the show, they both end up buying the same dress, etc. What happens at that point is a turn of events which keep you laughing from each of them telling the other they would take their dress back. They see each other at the show for the first time on stage, and the song of "Friendship" is anything but a picture of what friendship is all about. As they completely tear each others dress apart, I find a lesson here of pure simplicity at it's best.

I want to share with you some pictures of friendship to me. I have a friend who truly understands forgiveness. I have watched her through the years and wonder how she has kept the forsight she has managed to keep. I am so proud of her. When it seems there has been no way out of a pit, she just keeps on giving and giving to others. Even when she and I didn't see that we would possibly ever speak again - we still never had to pull a Lucy and Ethel. Through FUDGE (for those of you who don't know what this acrostic means: it is Forgivenss Under Divine Guidance Everyday), we have seen each other come forth as gold. We've been worn and tattered along the way, but we have remained friends to this day.

The old saying that says a friend will be there through thick and thin - you better believe it. The proverb that says a friend sticks closer than a brother! You better believe that too - and you know for us women - friendships are a true and treasured gift. Whether that friend is coming over for coffee, or to cry, or to laugh, or to talk, the point is - its all about FRIENDSHIP!

For those of you in my life I call friends - please know that you are a gift to me. For those of you who will come into my life - please know that you too will be of great value to my life. So, as the words to the song that Lucy and Ethel performed in their song "Friendship" - "if you're ever in a jam, here I am. If you're ever in a mess, SOS...because it's Friendship, Friendship - we've got the perfect friendship. When other friendships will be forgot - ours will still be hot..."

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Laughing and Living

I have always been such an "I Love Lucy" fan most of my life. I have watched her shows so many times that I could probably quote them and still laugh through them every time. I thought over and over about what I really should blog about. I have blogs for ministry things and family things, but I also wanted something that could relate to everyone and something that would be fun. I am a huge collector of Lucy things and at the same time, I know that she can always get a good laugh out of me. So, I thought if I wrote about Lucy - what would I write about? I began thinking of everything that crazy nut did and I couldn't help but want to write about either lessons she should have learned or lessons we all could learn from them. As you are well aware - she had plenty she needed to learn.

When I decided to do this, I wondered who would even enjoy anything like this besides me? After talking with some other ladies, they thought it would be a complete and fun way of building up people, encouraging them, and helping others in their self esteem as well. I am a VERY positive person, I love to talk as well (those of you who really know me, don't have to respond to that), and I want to help lift you up and encourage you - even if it means through something as silly as Lucille Ball.

Today, my purpose in writing to you has been made clear. I want to encourage you today to find time to just laugh. Read the comics, read a joke book, watch an old comedy classic like "The Jester in the Court" with Danny Kay or even find the time to sit down and watch a great ol' classic like: "I Love Lucy". When you are laughing, you are building up a positive link to your brain that says, "hey, let's get it together." I've had the blues and I've been through some depression so if you are are today - know that I understand where you are and how you feel in that area. I want to encourage you to LAUGH today so that you will know that while you are LAUGHING through the next moment, you are LIVING the next moment as well. I don't think it a crazy line in the episode where Lucy did the Vitameatavegamin commerical about "spooning your way to health." I think there is a lot of truth to this. So, if today it takes you coming in to read this blog, may it be the medicine to help "spoon your way to health" so that you can begin laughing and living. Did you know that even in the Psalms and Proverbs it talks about "laughter being good medicine?" So why not use laughs from Lucy as good medicine. Did you know that even when you are laughing that it is also actually good for your liver! It exercises our liver.

May you truly LOVE, LAUGH AND LIVE today in a lesson learned from Lucy.

Lucy songs for Happy, Peppy People